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Abutment - A structure that supports the end of a bridge or a structure that anchors the cables of a suspension bridge.

Anchorage – The support structure for anchoring and holding the cable ends of a suspension bridge.

Arch – A structural device, forming the curved, pointed or flat upper edge of an opening or a support, as in a bridge.

Balustrade – A rail and row of posts (balusters) that support it, along the edge.

Box grinder – Deep hollow box beam which can have a rectangular or trapezoidal cross section.

Caisson – A watertight structure.

Chord – The top or bottom, horizontal part of a truss.

Cutwater – The end of a pier base that is pointed to cleave the water.

Eyebar – Unit from which the cables of a suspension bridge are constructed with a flattened ring at each end for linkages.

Flange – The top or bottom plate of a box girder or I-beam.

Girder – A large or deep horizontal beam, used as a main support for vertical loads.

Gusset plates – Triangular inserts, for strengthening and enlarging.

Hangers – Wires or bars from which the deck is hung on a suspension bridge, also known as suspenders.

I-beam – Beam or girder with an I shaped cross-section.

Mid-span – Spot where the main cables reach their lowest point.

Orthotropic – Tending to grow or form along a vertical axis.

Pier – A supporting structure at the junction of connecting spans of a bridge

Plate girder – Flat bridge deck with a shallow rectangular section.

Pylon – Vertical mast or tower above the bridge deck to which the cable stays are fixed.

Side spans – Outer or end spans of a suspension bridge from the tower to the anchorage, balancing the central suspended span.

Stay – To brace or support.

Stiffening truss – Truss supporting the entire deck of a suspension bridge.

Stringer – A long, heavy horizontal timber or steel beam used for any of several corrective or supportive purposes.

Strut – A bar or rod used to strengthen a framework by resisting longitudinal thrust.

Suspension bridge – A bridge with its deck supported by large cables draped from towers.

Tower – Vertical support structure of a suspension bridge from which the cables are hung.

Truss – A frame of tension and compression members, which together make up a long span beam.

Viaduct – Series of spans or arches used to carry a road or railroad over other roads or valleys.

Web – One of the side plates of a box grinder on the vertical plate of an I-beam.













Total length of bridge, including approaches             8,981 ft.  (1.7 mi.)     2,737 m.


Length of suspension span including main

span and side spans                                                     6,450 ft.  (1.2 mi.)     1,966 m.


Length of suspension span excluding side spans        4,200 ft.                     1,280 m.


Length of one side span                                               1,125 ft.                     343 m.


Width of bridge                                                                90 ft.                       27 m.


Width of roadway between curbs *                                  62 ft.                       19 m.


Width of sidewalk                                                             10 ft.                         3 m.


Clearance above mean high water                                    220 ft.                      67 m.


Deepest foundation below mean low water                      110 ft.                      34 m.


Live load capacity per lineal foot                                     4,000 lbs.                1814.14 kg.


Maximum transverse deflection at center span                 27.7 ft.                      8.4 m.


Maximum downward deflection at center span                 10.8 ft.                      3.3 m.


Maximum upward deflection at center span                        5.8 ft.                       1.8 m.


Total weight of each anchorage                                   60,000 tons            109,000,000 kg. 


Total weight of bridge, anchorages and

approaches (1937)                                                      894,500 tons            811,500,000 kg.


Total weight of bridge, anchorages and

approaches (1986) **                                                 887,000 tons             804,700,000 kg.


Weight of bridge not including anchorages

and approaches (1986) **                                          419,800 tons            380,800,000 kg.






Height of towers above water                                            746 ft.                     227 m.


Height of towers above roadway                                       500 ft.                      152 m.


Base dimension (each leg)                                             33 ft. x 54 ft.           10 m. x 16 m.


Weight of one tower                                                      44,000 lbs.            40,200,000 kg.


Transverse deflection of towers                                        12.5 in.                     0.32 m.


Longitudinal deflection of towers (shoreward)                 22 in.                       0.56 m.


Longitudinal deflection of towers (channelward)              18 in.                      0.46 m.





Diameter of cables including exterior wrapping             36 3/8 in.                      0.92 m.


Length of one cable                                                          7,650 ft.                     2,332 m.


Total length of wire used                                                80,000 mi.                 129,000 km.


Number of wires on each cable                                         27,572

……………………………………………………………………………………………… Number of strands in each cable                                             61


Weight of main cables and suspender cables                  24,500 tons          22,2000,000 kg.




Main towers                                                                      44,400 tons         40,280,000 kg.


Suspended structure                                                           24,000 tons        21,772,000 kg.


Anchorages                                                                          4.400 tons           3,991,000 kg.


Approaches                                                                        10,200 tons            9,250,000 kg.





                                                                                           cubic yards            cubic meters    


San Francisco pier and fender                                              130,000                   99,400


Marin pier                                                                               23,500                   18.000


Anchorages, pylons, and cable housing                                182.000                 139,160


Approaches                                                                              28,500                   21,800





Annual vehicle crossings (northbound and southbound) 2018               39 million


Total vehicle crossings (northbound and southbound)

since opening (as of July, 2019)                                                            over 2.1 billion




TOLL REVENUE (approx.)


Annual toll revenue (fiscal year 2018/2019)                                           $152 million 


Total toll revenue since opening

(as of July 2019)                                                                                     over $2 billion 


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